Yesterday, it was a very busy day for me. First, I was helping a friend of my friends with a villager. She was a very cool person by the way. She had a very cool house :3
I especially loved her cabin room and her basement. I wish I had taken more pictures >.> We started talking and looking at her town which is really nice :3
While we were talking, IvaPearl hit me thru BF-chat and told me her town was ready for weeding and money picking.Of course I said yes!
When I got to her town, there were more than 1k of weeds. and half of her map was full of money. I had my hopes to get at least the silver weeding badge but I guess I still need to pull more weeds.
Luckily, I did reach to 100M bells (I don't know what am I gonna do with all those bells)
Iva told me it was cool to keep picking up money since almost nobody showed up to pick them... I think I reached more than 120M bells just last night.
Once I was done with both money and weeds, I proceed to get all the gyroids from her town map. Then I headed back home. Now, guess who I found there!
Just last night, thanks to IvaPearl I got my bells gold badge and my silver catalog badge!
Well, that's about it for today :3 Please comment or post on the chat box to the right :3 Make yourself at home.
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